Dual leadership at Möhlenhoff – Jörg Teunissen strengthens the management team
Salzgitter, May 2019 – The prowess of Möhlenhoff GmbH has been managed by an expert duo since the beginning of March, when Jörg Teunissen joined Frank Geburek as a Co-Managing Director of the market-leading company from Salzgitter.
“Our sales market is growing steadily at home and abroad. With our dual leadership, we can now combine our forces to focus on new tasks,” explains Frank Geburek. Jörg Teunissen has been the new Co-Managing Director for Marketing and Sales at Möhlenhoff GmbH since March 1, 2019.
After studying electrical engineering and obtaining his doctorate in engineering at the University of Dortmund, his career path took him into the business world, where he started in a staff position at Phoenix Contact. He then held a management position at Schüco International, most recently as Senior Vice President (SVP), Global Knowledge Management in Bielefeld. At Möhlenhoff, the 48-year-old is responsible for the company’s activities in the OEM and brand business. His goal is to broaden the customer and market-oriented product portfolio and further expand the company’s international success. “I’m very much looking forward to this new task and the challenges it will bring,” says Jörg Teunissen. “I’m convinced that we will continue defining Möhlenhoff’s success story together.”
Frank Geburek will now be able to devote more time to technology, finance and human resources. “Together with Jörg Teunissen, we will focus even more strongly than before on the strategic areas that are important for an OEM, such as marketing and sales in Germany and abroad – and we’ll also be widening our sphere of business activities,” says Geburek. “Dr. Teunissen is a great asset for Möhlenhoff and his expertise and personality will contribute to making our entire company for the future”.

Image 1: The new Möhlenhoff dual leadership team since March 1, 2019 – Jörg Teunissen (left) and Frank Geburek.